Tube feeders are often a popular choice among the backyard birding community. These feeders do a great job of keeping seed fairly clean and dry and can usually be quite squirrel resistant. The design of these feeders suits many smaller species of birds very well, often you will find sparrows, grosbeaks, titmice, chickadees, and fiches gracing your tube feeder. Tube feeders also do a great job of excluding larger species of birds like jays and grackles as they typically are best suited to smaller birds who are able to feed while upside down.
Here are a few pointers you should take into consideration when evaluating your next tube feeder purchase:
- Opt for a steel perch rather than a plastic or wood version. Steel will last longer, especially if you plan to use this feeder year round.
- Size matters! Most tube feeders are clear, making them one of the easiest feeders to monitor the amount of seed in them. Select a larger model for a lower-maintenance feeding system.
- Ensure the port is equipped with a rain guard to keep the rain and moisture off of your bird seed.
- Make sure the feeder is equipped with a hanger or pole mount for easy installation.
- Practice taking it apart; how easy is it to refill? To clean? Handling the feeder in store will give you a good idea on the ease of operation of the feeder. Keeping feeders clean and full is a big part of birding, so make sure your feeder is easy to use.
Tube feeders can be a great addition to any backyard, and it shouldn’t take you very long to begin seeing a great variety of birds in your yard and on your feeder.