Rendered safely and made from a number of healthy ingredients, our suet options are seemingly endless and so is the enjoyment they offer any bird watching enthusiast.
With temperatures below the freezing mark, it is no secret that our small songbirds, woodpeckers, blue jays and the like are in need of reliable food sources. As Bob always says, “birds eat to create heat!”
We pride ourselves on creating these pieces of content based on feedback we receive in the store as well as in our online communities. With that in mind, behind deterring squirrels from consuming our backyard bird seed, keeping birds such as starlings and grackles at bay is a topic that more often comes up than not. Often traveling in large groups, these birds can quickly decimate a bird feeder, leaving very little for smaller birds to enjoy, hence the development of the products noted below. So, if you are looking to equip your yard, or even just a feeder or...
When it comes to suet, we often associate it as an melting and unhealthy food source during the summer heat but with the help from our partners at Mill Creek Seed Co., we’ve got solutions for that! With an increased melting point, our summer suet is the perfect feed to beat the summer heat and keep birds such as woodpeckers, nuthatches and many others in your yard. As we begin to transition into the fall season, now is a great time to expand your suet offering as many of our birds are either preparing for colder weather or their long...
As we turn the corner into the middle of the month of August (yes, already), many of us are already thinking about the impending departure of many of our favourite summer visitors. While many are already leaving, many more are preparing for their fall migration, including hummingbirds. As temperatures begin to cool, it is imperatively important to ensure our hummingbird feeders are cleaned and topped up with the very best food available. Despite their small stature, these little birds have requirements to not only help them with their day-to-day tasks but also to help them prepare for their long journey...