Gilligallou's Blog — Problem Birds


Tools to Keep Grackles and Other Problem Birds Out of Your Feeders

We pride ourselves on creating these pieces of content based on feedback we receive in the store as well as in our online communities. With that in mind, behind deterring squirrels from consuming our backyard bird seed, keeping birds such as starlings and grackles at bay is a topic that more often comes up than not. Often traveling in large groups, these birds can quickly decimate a bird feeder, leaving very little for smaller birds to enjoy, hence the development of the products noted below. So, if you are looking to equip your yard, or even just a feeder or...

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Dealing with Grackles, Starlings, Pigeons and Other Problem Birds at the Feeder

While we certainly do not like to discriminate against any bird species, there comes a time when watching your feed get devoured by flocks of hungry birds grows tiresome.  For those of us that enjoy sharing our seed with all the native and visiting bird species to us here in Ottawa, sometimes we just need […]  

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