Gilligallou's Blog — Spring

Baltimore Oriole Adult male

Birds To Spot in April

Spring is in the air, and so are the migrating birds! Learn about our favorite birds to spot in April and where to find them.

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Louise Beckinsale
The difference between a turf lawn and a wildflower lawn

5 Reasons To Plant a Wildflower Lawn

Wildflower lawns have countless amazing benefits, here are our top 5 reasons to plant one this year!

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Buffleheads, common mergansers, hooded mergansers ducks diving for food in the winter and summer

Spring Migration of Ducks

As the days begin to get longer and the sun a little bit stronger, I begin to think of the migration of the ducks and geese coming back north. They are definitely on the move this month, and I love to take the time to watch as the rivers and lakes open to see who first will be flying in. Open water permitting you will see some of my favourite diving ducks like buffleheads, common mergansers, hooded mergansers, common goldeneye and the scaup family. These birds dive down to the fresh aqua plants for a food source and come back...

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Spring Spotlight - The Rough-Legged Hawk

  This week we’re featuring the stunning Rough Legged Hawk. While this bird spends most of its time in the arctic it can be found in this area during migration. Mainly residing along large bodies of water and fields. They can be spotted from their boldly patterned plumage and large broad wings and can most commonly be found hovering over fields searching for their prey.  If you’re looking to spot this wonderful raptor, continue reading for details on where and how to identify them both physically and vocally.  Identification The Rough Legged Hawk can easily be identified by their boldly...

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