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Gilligallou's Blog — Hawks
Sophie Gervais
4 Places in Ontario to see Hawks
Hawk migration begins in mid-August, but it starts to really pick up in September and October, before gradually coming to a close at the end of November. Check out these 4 hawk-spots in Ontario!
Bob Volks
Spring Spotlight - The Rough-Legged Hawk
This week we’re featuring the stunning Rough Legged Hawk. While this bird spends most of its time in the arctic it can be found in this area during migration. Mainly residing along large bodies of water and fields. They can be spotted from their boldly patterned plumage and large broad wings and can most commonly be found hovering over fields searching for their prey. If you’re looking to spot this wonderful raptor, continue reading for details on where and how to identify them both physically and vocally. Identification The Rough Legged Hawk can easily be identified by their boldly...
Louise Beckinsale
How to Identify Hawks and Other Raptors This Spring
While it might be hard to believe, we are heading into the last week of February very shortly. For those of you that know us, you know this is our absolute favourite time of year and a busy one at that. Sure, our stores keep us busy through the spring months but our real joy […]
Louise Beckinsale
Cooper’s Hawk or Sharp-Shinned? Here’s How to Tell
Even the most seasoned birder gets stumped every now and again when it comes to identifying their favourite birds. Whether trying to decipher between finches, warblers or owls, each species can present challenges when trying to id them in the field. As is often the case, our encounters with unfamiliar species are often brief in […]