Gilligallou's Blog — Window Feeders

Getting Kids Into Birding During School Closure

Getting Kids Into Birding During School Closure

Finding yourself at home with the kids can be difficult especially when figuring out how to keep them busy. Given the recent developments in our communities, our children have been mandated to stay home as schools across the country have been closed. At times like these it’s important to remember to get some fresh air and stay active, not only for us as adults but for our children as well. An easy way to do so and to get them out in the great outdoors and teach them about birds and our natural environment. Whether you live in an urban...

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How and Why You Should Offer Suet All Year Long

When it comes to suet, we often associate it as an melting and unhealthy food source during the summer heat but with the help from our partners at Mill Creek Seed Co., we’ve got solutions for that! With an increased melting point, our summer suet is the perfect feed to beat the summer heat and keep birds such as woodpeckers, nuthatches and many others in your yard. As we begin to transition into the fall season, now is a great time to expand your suet offering as many of our birds are either preparing for colder weather or their long...

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Window Feeder Maintenance in the Rain

So, the wild fall weather continues here in eastern Ontario but admittedly, it seems to be calming down and becoming slightly more seasonal. After a very wet start to the summer, and cooler temperatures toward the end of the season, we were treated to an extremely warm September and October which did a lot to […]  

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Get Closer to Your Birds With One of Our Window Feeding Solutions

While the zoom function on our cameras, spotting scopes, and binoculars can do the job, not much else will get your as close to your birds as one of our window feeding solutions.  Designed using tough and durable materials and clever engineering, these unique feeders combined with one of our seed blends guarantees to get […]

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