Gilligallou's Blog — Purple Martins


How to Choose a Nesting Box

Walk into either of our stores and in addition to a plethora of the very best in bird seed and supplies, you will be met with an abundant amount of nesting boxes.  While for the inexperienced, having to choose from one of the different models can be a daunting task, but when informed, the process […]  

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Attract More Purple Martins This Spring

Yes, that’s right.  It isn’t even Christmas yet and we are already talking about spring preparations! As most of us very well understand, our passion for birding and habitat creation runs deep and no sooner do we finish setting up for one season, the preparation begins for the following season.   While winter birding is a […]  

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Purple Martins Equipped with GPS ‘Backpacks’ Return to Ottawa

As part of Nature Canada’s Purple Martin Project, nearly 80 GPS tracking devices were equipped on adult purple martins at several colonies across Eastern Ontario.  The project was launched in an effort to learn more about the birds decline and to identify solutions, improve breeding success, recover populations and encourage long-term stewardship. The geolocators and […]

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