Gilligallou's Blog — Nature

Bob Volks

Bats and How They Can Cut Down on Pesticide Use

One of perhaps our most misunderstood mammals here in Earth has got to be our beloved bats. Coming in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on where they reside, these creatures of the night are incredibly invaluable to us. While there might not be anything to cure those of their fears regarding bats, we do always try to do our best to educate everyone on the benefits of having them around. The truth is, these flying mammals do more than many think!

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How Farming Practices are Changing to Benefit Our Birds and Other Wildlife

The changes to the farming industry have evolved greatly, particularly over the past few decades here in North America. With the evolution of technology and equipment, many practices are becoming more efficient for farmers but as citizens of the Earth, we must always remain diligent in ensuring that despite our efficiencies, we are still keeping nature in mind

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Louise Beckinsale

Wild Edibles: Foraging for Mushrooms

While we certainly are “for the birds” around here, our lifestyle and interests actually go well beyond just our feathered friends. The truth is, we love everything about the natural world that surrounds us, including wild places and all the wildlife, flora and fauna it encompasses. If you have been following us here on our […]  

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Louise Beckinsale

Believe it or not, Praying Mantis Prey on Birds

Image: jeffreyw, Flickr While we don’t traditionally enjoy talking about things that actually harm our birds, this particular subject was one we just couldn’t ignore.  From a scientific or biological viewpoint, the fact that researchers have found that praying mantid actually feed on small birds is just downright fascinating. While some data suggests this has been […]  

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