Gilligallou's Blog — finches

Evening Grosbeak in the winter

The 2022-2023 Winter Finch Forecast is Here!

Winter finches are here! Learn how to attract them to your backyard.

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Tips for Attracting Winter Finches During the Fall

In tandem with this year’s annual finch forecast, we thought it would be timely to touch on a few helpful hints and tips that can prepare your yard for a possible visit from a finch or two. There is definitely a lot that goes into our chances of spotting house finches, purple finches, redpolls and the like. Let’s break down this year’s potential as well as what you can do to increase your chances of spotting these wonderful birds of winter.

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A Brief History of the Evening Grosbeak

A Brief History of the Evening Grosbeak

As we settle into the month of November and temperatures continue to decline into a more wintery range, we are beginning to see plenty of finch species around all of our feeders. One such visitor we were more than happy to behold last week was a flock of evening grosbeaks. Resembling a large goldfinch, these […]  

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What to Feed Winter Finches

While many of us look forward to the spring months when our summer birds return from their tropical locales, this time of the year is equally exciting for those of us in tune with winter birding. Much the same as during the spring months, this time of year brings us an influx of different bird […]  

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