Gilligallou's Blog — bird feeding

Louise Beckinsale

Tips for Keeping Your Backyard Birds Safe

The animal kingdom is a wild place, filled with both predators and prey all working in the balance of a complete ecosystem.  As humans, the way we behave, distort and play with these types of ecosystems can have very big effects on the animals that inhabit them. As we drill it down to our feathered […]

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Dealing with Grackles, Starlings, Pigeons and Other Problem Birds at the Feeder

While we certainly do not like to discriminate against any bird species, there comes a time when watching your feed get devoured by flocks of hungry birds grows tiresome.  For those of us that enjoy sharing our seed with all the native and visiting bird species to us here in Ottawa, sometimes we just need […]  

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Louise Beckinsale

A Few Tips on Pole System Placement

For some of us, the battle carries on from season to season as we work diligently in an attempt to deter squirrels and the like from invading our bird seed located in and around our feeders.  While to some birders, squirrels and other mammals are a welcome sight, and as a natural part of nature, […]  

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The Aggressive Nature of Hummingbirds and How to Deal with Them

Image: Flikr Small, nimble and fast are some of the words we often use to describe our cute little hummingbirds but their true nature can also lend itself to additional adjectives not quite so synonymous with these small birds. While they are certainly delicate and small, our hummers can exhibit some extremely territorial, competitive and […]

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