Gilligallou's Blog


New York City Passes the World’s Most Bird-Friendly Building Legislation

Earlier this month, the great city of New York proposed ground-breaking legislation that would change the way we build our buildings but also how we protect our beloved birds. On December 10, 2019, the New York City Council approved Proposed Initiative 1482B – which to date, serves as the most broad-reaching bird-friendly building policy in North America.

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Alt & Dot Collaborator

New Product Announcement – Introducing Council Tools Axes

One of the great gifts of residing here in the Ottawa area is the access we all have to nature. From looking out of the windows of our home and enjoying our backyard birds or strapping on a pack to go for a hike on some nearby nature trails, we are never terribly disconnected from nature and we wouldn’t have it any other way. As such, we have started to expand our product offering ever so slightly over the past twelve months to scratch that itch, so to speak. We began with smaller products built for the outdoor lifestyle and...

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Alt & Dot Collaborator

Breathing New Life into Your Squirrel Buster Feeder

When you are a lifelong birder like us, you undoubtedly end up with feeders out in your backyard for years on end. For many of us, birding is a lifetime pursuit and one that comes with all the benefits of being connected to nature and our birds on a daily basis. In what should come as no surprise to any of us is the fact that over time and continued exposure to the elements, our bird feeders can get a little weathered and every now and then, are in need of some repair.

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How to Choose the Right Location for Your Barred Owl Nesting Box

Without a terrible amount of snow on the ground and temperatures that are still quite bearable, now is a great time of year to get outdoors, fill those feeders or even hang a brand-new nesting box.

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