Gilligallou's Blog — Bird Photography

Buffleheads, common mergansers, hooded mergansers ducks diving for food in the winter and summer

Spring Migration of Ducks

As the days begin to get longer and the sun a little bit stronger, I begin to think of the migration of the ducks and geese coming back north. They are definitely on the move this month, and I love to take the time to watch as the rivers and lakes open to see who first will be flying in. Open water permitting you will see some of my favourite diving ducks like buffleheads, common mergansers, hooded mergansers, common goldeneye and the scaup family. These birds dive down to the fresh aqua plants for a food source and come back...

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Position, Focus and Other Bird Watching Photography Tips

Position, Focus and Other Bird Watching Photography Tips

As part of our series with our good friend and all-around awesome photographer Justine McNeely, we were once again able to squeeze some awesome information out of her. When it comes to photographing birds, Justine is one of the best here in the Ottawa area – one visit to her Facebook Page will likely turn […]  

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Birding Photography – 3 Tips for Getting off the Auto-Focus Mode on Your Camera

Birding Photography – 3 Tips for Getting off the Auto-Focus Mode on Your Camera

So, you’ve picked out a great camera body, and perhaps you have even gone out and got yourself a fancy new lens. After spending some time in the field, you are managing to capture some great shots, not only of birds but perhaps of other wildlife and bits of nature as well. Just like any […]  

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Choosing the Right Camera Lens for Bird Photography

Catching the bird watching bug is one thing, adding a camera to the mix is a whole other rabbit hole in itself. If you have been bitten by the photography bug, you are likely familiar with the plethora of decisions you can make regarding the equipment. When it comes to buying a quality DLSR camera, […]  

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