Gilligallou's Blog — bird identification

How to Install a Barred Owl Nesting Box

How to Install a Barred Owl Nesting Box

There is nothing more unmistakable than the sighting or sounds of one of our native owls here in the Ottawa area. The sight or sound of one undoubtedly sends immediate feelings of excitement and with good reason, they are a treat to behold. One such species that is quite common here in the Ottawa area […]  

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The Peculiar Ways of the House Wren

The Peculiar Ways of the House Wren

Small in size, well-traveled and oddly fierce, the house wren is a regular fixture to the birding world here in the Ottawa area. These pint-size birds are without the flashes of dramatic plumage we are accustomed to in other species during this time of the year but they make up for it in many other […]  

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Choosing the Right Camera Lens for Bird Photography

Catching the bird watching bug is one thing, adding a camera to the mix is a whole other rabbit hole in itself. If you have been bitten by the photography bug, you are likely familiar with the plethora of decisions you can make regarding the equipment. When it comes to buying a quality DLSR camera, […]  

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Ice-Out Ducks – A Guide to Spotting Early Spring Waterfowl

It’s a magical time of year out there, birders.  As the temperatures continue to rise, we are again treated to snow and ice melt as well as some new arrivals from the skies. There have been some early reports of robins, red-winged blackbirds and many other of our spring and summer residents already this month […]  

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