Gilligallou's Blog — Bird Behavior

Louise Beckinsale

Exploring the Strange Ritual of Anting in Jays and Other Birds

For years, researchers have been attempting to explore the reasoning behind the act of anting among Jays and other species of birds. The Blue Jay may be one of the most recognizable birds in North America, particularly here in Ontario, where they are so common; our nation’s only professional baseball team is named after them. […]  

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Louise Beckinsale

How Birds Survive Winter Storms and Extreme Cold

If you live in the north-eastern portion of North America, you likely experienced a touch of the polar vortex that sent thermometers crashing over the past couple of days. Here in Almonte, we experienced temperatures with a wind chill of roughly minus 44 degrees Celsius. That being said, there were a number of us who […]  

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Great Horned Owls Found to be Negatively Affecting Black Tern Populations in Ontario

Officially listed as a “special concern” here in the province of Ontario, the black tern is literally fighting for its life. The small, dark-coloured birds spend their time in the marshes and swamp habitat throughout the province as they forage for insects and dive for small fish. One of the more unique points surrounding this […]  

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Louise Beckinsale

Yes, Some Robins Do Stay the Winter!

Given our somewhat unseasonably warm winter thus far for us at least in Eastern Ontario, we not only have been treated to a number of different birds, knocked off their course in one way or another, you also might notice a species or two staying for the winter. One of those species is the American […]

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