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Suet can be a great attractor for a variety of birds to your backyard, but as with any type of feed or feeder, there are certain guidelines that should be taken into consideration before setting up. Suet can at times, be a difficult feed to offer your birds, as you will need to select not only the right suet but pair it with a proper feeder at certain times of the year.
Suet is a great form of food for certain species of birds, given its high energy formulation which attracts mostly insect eating birds. For this reason alone, it is a great alternative to offer your birds in the winter months, as an example, when insects are not plentiful. This being said, suet can be used all year long, just ensure you select the proper seasonal suet for your backyard birds.
Types of Birds Attracted to Suet
Suet feeders can attract quite a variety of birds to your feeders including; woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, titmice, and other jays.
Varieties of Suet
Suet comes in all shapes and sizes. From the traditional “block” or “cake” suet to ball shaped, plugs shreds and shavings as well as a variety of novelty shapes and sizes, the options are relatively endless when it comes to selecting a type for your yard. A few things to keep in mind: you will want to inspect your suet, making sure the firmness and density is properly formulated for your birds. Doing so is also a good way to gauge the quality of the suet, as well as its purity.
Types of Feeders
Just as the shapes and sizes of the suet itself, the feeding options are aplenty with regards to suet feeders on the market today. The most popular type of suet feeder is the cage style feeder. Typically you will find these feeders with a cover to protect the suet from changes in weather, and are easily attached to other feeders like hopper feeders or used to hang independently. Birders used to be concerned with plain metal cage suet feeders, fearing for the safety of their birds. Because of this, manufacturers have switched to a vinyl coated metal construction, which in addition to keeping your birds safe is very easy to clean.
The use of natural wood and trees is another favorite way of offering suet by a large number of birders as well. Small logs will pre-drilled holes are typically used with the “plug” variety of suet types. The bark can offer your backyard additional traction when feeding, and are great for the do-it-yourselfer.
Another alternative for a do-it-yourself feeder is a simply mesh bag containing the suet. Typically birders will use onion bags filled with suet balls typically tailored more for smaller backyard birds, as the stability may not be there for jays and woodpeckers.