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Unless you have left the area in search of sand and sun lately, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that winter is very much upon us here in Eastern Ontario. With some of the coldest temperatures of the year recorded over the past week or so paired with a hefty dumping of snow, the winter of 2019 is assertive to say the least.
Temperatures aside, for many, this is a favourite time of year, particularly for bird watching as we are often treated to a number of winter bird species we might not otherwise see and those we have grown accustomed to seeing against the white, snowy backdrop of winter.
We began the winter months chatting about our beloved finch species, moved into another favourite of ours; the dark-eyed junco and now are focusing on our wonderful woodpeckers.
We began talking about the always-striking pileated woodpecker and in this instalment, will chat about what kind of food you can use in your yard that will guarantee more woodpecker sightings this winter.
Acorn Suet
Shaped just like an acorn, this is a wonderful addition to any window, feeder or even tree branch out in your yard. Coming complete with a hanger for easy installation, this treat is designed around a natural pine cone measuring 5” x 4” and is constructed using our irresistible peanut suet cake on the top and bottomed out with our peanut suet.
In addition to woodpeckers (they LOVE it), you’ll also find chickadees, blue jays and a number of other insect-eaters hanging on to this treat out in your yard.
Similar in design, but offering a variety of flavours is our collection of suet. We carry a number of different blends of suet specifically formulated for winter birds. These cakes can easily be placed inside suet cages either independently or attached to a pole system or other bird feeder.
As temperatures dip below freezing, these high-calorie snacks are exactly what woodpeckers and other winter birds need to create body heat and stay warm through the bitter cold nights.
This time of year calls for a hearty seed blend and that’s exactly what we specialize in! Focusing on the seasons as well as the geographical location of your home is truly what makes our seed so special. Our winter blends are formulated with additional fats and carbohydrates to give your backyard birds what they need, including peanuts, which are a popular item among woodpecker species. Ensure your feeders are full and you are offering a plethora of options for your winter woodpeckers and you should have no shortage of sightings!