Our seed is safe – fresh – unsalted and made with Non-GMO ingredients and no added Malathion. Our bags are oxo-biodegradable and you won’t find any cover gases in our bags.

We know birds tend to return to a reliable source of food and quality seed offers the most reliable source over and over again. 

It is important to us at the Gilligallou Bird that we offer the best bird seed possible. We have found in Mill Creek Seed Co. the seed is unique and is better than all other seed. We have no doubt that no other bird seed supplier has taken as much time and effort to formulate their mixes.

There are no fillers in our seed, although avoiding fillers is just the beginning.


Many people are becoming more concerned with genetically modified ingredients in their food and the food they feed their birds.  We are proud to inform our customers that you won’t find any GMO in our bird seed and feed collection.

NON-GMO cut corn : another development is our new source of NON-GMO cut corn –  it is locally grown and has the additional benefit of not using neonicotinoids. Neonicotinoids are a relatively new class of systemic, neurotoxic pesticides that are known to be particularly toxic to honeybees and used for growing corn. Unfortunately, this corn is considerably more expensive than traditional corn grown with these harmful pesticides. We think the upgrade is worth the cost, and we are sure you will agree.

What makes our seed the best!

The Selection of Top Quality Seed

Fresh Ingredients

Freshness is one of the most important factors in defining the value of bird feed. The fresher the ingredients, the more likely the birds will eat all that you put into your bird feeder and less will be wasted.

Clean/Dust Free

Powder created during the processing of the feed can add up to pounds of weight, which you pay for, that is useless as bird feed.

Proper Ingredient Selection

Some seeds, nuts, fruits and minerals are more attractive than others to a greater variety of birds. Therefore, a knowledgeable selection of ingredients for each environment, during each season, will provide you and your birds with maximum value for you bird feeding budget. Fillers like wheat and milo can mask the cost of “Discount” bird feed and will make the actual cost of consumable bird seed sky rocket! Look for sunflowers, nuts, corn, millets and fruit to attract the most birds.

Seed Maturity

Mature sunflower seeds have more kernels than immature seeds Additionally; sunflowers tend to have greater kernel weight on different parts of the sunflower face. Proper buying ensures greater kernel density and thus more food for birds. The best seeds are found on the outer circumference of the sunflower head. Ask your supplier if he or she knows how to ensure high kernel content.

Environmentally & Seasonally Suited Ingredients

Birds are inclined to reside in either the meadow, woodland or urban areas. Additionally, different birds frequent different areas during each of the four seasons. Consider the area where you are feeding and try to accommodate those birds with seed that is appropriate to their environment.

Spring/Summer Blends

A good spring and summer blend will include fruit and calcium and should be high in protein. Fruit is attractive to the migratory fruit-eating birds and calcium is beneficial to birds for egg production.

Fall/Winter Blends

Grit and energy foods for warmth are attractive ingredients for fall and winter blends. High carbohydrate grains will provide warmth and grit will provide a source that is a better alternative to road salt, which is often the only available source of grit in mid-winter. This will ensure that the birds’ salt intake is minimal and will also reduce the likelihood of them being hits by cars.

Dislike Starlings?

Hard-shelled foods such as sunflowers, peanuts in the shell and whole corn tend to be less attractive to starlings. However, starlings are one of the best birds for reducing insects from your lawn so sometimes you may actually benefit from their presence.


Nuts are nutritionally beneficial to birds and will attract an interesting selection of woodpeckers, blue jays, chickadees, nuthatches, etc. Look for nuts that are salt-free and are not rancid.

Look for Seed in clear bags for easy inspection.

At the Gilligallou Bird we are about bringing the best seed to our customers, stop in and find out why!


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